Tag Archives: pediatric reflux

Acid Reflux in Children

 When we think of Acid Reflux we don’t usually think of children.Funny thing is most all kids have it when they are born. Babies  “spit up” all the time. That is a form of reflux.  Thankfully, when they are a little older that tends to go away, but not for every child.  

There are many different symptoms of GERD. Your child may only have a few of these symptoms. The most common symptoms include:

  •              pain, irritability, constant or sudden crying, “colic”
    • frequent spitting-up or vomiting
    • vomiting or spitting-up more than one hour after eating
    • not outgrowing the spitting-up stage
    • refusing food or accepting only a few bites besides being hungry
    • poor sleep habits, frequent waking
    • “wet burp” or “wet hiccup” sounds
    • bad breath

The less common symptoms of pediatric GER include:

    • constant eating and drinking (to soothe a sore throat)
    • intolerance of certain foods
    • poor weight gain; weight loss
    • swallowing problems, gagging, choking
    • hoarse voice
    • frequent red, sore throat
    • respiratory problems; pneumonia, bronchitis, wheezing, asthma, nighttime cough, apnea, aspiration, noisy or labored breathing
    • ear infections
    • constantly running nose; sinus infections
    • tooth enamel erosion
    • excessive salvation, drooling
    • peculiar neck arching, Sandifer’s Syndrome

If you think your child may have GER, please contact your child’s doctor. It is also very important to let your doctor know if your child develops new symptoms or if the symptoms change.

There are many medications on the market to ease symptoms of GERD, however most of these are made for adults. You should always discuss any medication with your physician before administering to a child. There are also several different Natural remedies that are suitable for children. Apple cider vinegar (usually diluted some),  or eating an apple ..is one choice. Some say  a glass of milk will help to soothe the esophagus. I personally tried Natural Aloe for my son who is 20 and had good success. His daughter also has reflux issues & is now taking Aloe Cure as well. She does not care for the taste of it..(she’s 5) but when mixed with grape juice she did not even notice that.  I would recommend that for anyone with reflux issues, however..I do still suggest speaking with your physician before trying any new medications or treatments.

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